Chromebooks - yea or nay?

Tom Roeder

Staff member
I bought the ASUS CM 300 - I think I am going to return it. I bought it mostly because I was curious about a laptop that cheap with awesome battery life. Well, it really is a cream balls what so ever. I kind of expected this, but I bought one anyway. I was considering wiping Chrome OS and installing Ubuntu, but I think I will still be disappointed in the muscle.


Rob Williams

Staff member
I need performance, even if I'm just doing simple things. That being the case, Chromebooks are far from being made for me.

Tom Roeder

Staff member
The chrome book pixel is quite stout - but for that kind of money, they are just too far out of reach. I was just drawn to the idea - a laptop with 10- hour battery, with ubuntu installed (if I chose) for $225. Tempting, that is.