Cheep 9800 GT


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Here's one with a better cooler for the same price :D Link

It's likely because of the HD 4770... performs within 3% of the 4850 in so many of the tests but will be priced below $100... The 9800GT will probably get even cheaper once those 4770's arrive.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Don't worry, Tiger Direct usually overcharges for shipping to make up for deals like that ;-)

Krazy K

Partition Master
Seriously? That's just amusing... most sites say if you spend that much it's automatically free. Every $1.99 counts I guess... :D

Yup. Try breaking $100 with items that cost $99.99. I only shop there when I can match deals elsewhere because Discover gives an additional 5% cashback when you shop there using the link from Discover.