Can a Gaming Vest Improve the Fun-Factor and Your Performance?

Rob Williams

Staff member
For gamers who like to be competitive or look for different ways to "spice" things up, there's certainly no shortage of peripherals available. Most often, mice and keyboards are the first place gamers look for an increase to their performance, but there are other things that can vastly change your experience as well - even a mousepad. Or my favorite... a product to make sure your mouse cord doesn't move during heavy gameplay (that's more useful than you might think).

Read the rest of our post and discuss it here!


Tech Monkey
LOL this looks wack compared to a setup I saw, it was a stereo thing, almost looked like headphones turned so they sat on your chest. Supposedly gamers using that got a bit better because they could stay alive better since they could feel where the shots were coming from (in at least halo 3). There is also supposed to be a 5.1 version eventually.


Tech Junkie
the only way we will really get into a game is when we see something like Johnny Quest! Now that would be awesome!


Basket Chassis
Staff member

I think I speak for everybody here when I ask TN Games: When do the force feedback ass-less chaps come out?
