Bulletstorm First Impressions


Senior Editor
Staff member
Bulletstorm, the game created by the same guys who put out Painkiller in 2004, came out this past Tuesday. Like most brand-new games, I didn't know much about Bulletstorm, except that A) the graphics appealed to me, and B) the game was surrounded in controversy. Fox News, as an example, pretty much considered it to be the worst game ever, and at the same time, EA marketed it to being better than other popular FPS statures out there, such as Call of Duty. Who wouldn't want to jump all over that?


You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Rob: Hey, Ryan. What's up?
Me: Not much. Did you hear about... *JUNK PUNCH* EXTRA POINTS!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Yeah, Fox calling something terrible. That's the pot calling the kettle black!


Tech Monkey
Actually..... I played it and its pretty damn cool. Too bad I dont have $60 laying around for this game, but I do for Gears 3 :D

Rob Williams

Staff member
I still gotta finish this! Rift came out and has demanded all of my free time. Gah, SO MANY GAMES.