Boyd Coddington dies at age 63..

Rob Williams

Staff member
We just got word that world-renowned car customizer, Boyd Coddington died this morning around 6 am. Although we don't have any details on what caused Coddington's death, we do know that he was in and out of the hospital over the past month. A spokesperson for the Coddington Corporation confirmed his passing earlier today and they'll be releasing a statement soon.

Wow, this comes as a huge surprise. Boyd was a legendary car designer and created/modded some amazing classics. I am not even a fan of classic cars and I somehow was always drawn to what he was working on.

RIP Boyd.


Tech Monkey
Not to kick a guy when he is down, but that show made him look like a major jerk. It is somewhat surprising, but he sure didn't seem like much of a nice guy to the people that slaved for him, that's for sure.

Rob Williams

Staff member
You are not lying there... he was a true asshole at times. I'd like to think deep-down he meant well, because the fact of the matter is, he was running a business that had his name on it. If there was a screwup, it would be on him.

I am not saying he was right to act like a dingbat though... There's a time to freak out and then there's a time to play it cool. We rarely saw times when he was relaxed.

Still, he made some great cars and had an infectious love for the classics. Hell, I didn't even mind the pink Elvis Caddy..


Tech Monkey
Probably gave himself an ulcer by being so damn crabby. I agree with 63 being too young. I lost my dad when he was 50.