Boy gets stuck in vending machine

Rob Williams

Staff member
A toddler who went fishing for a stuffed cartoon character in a vending machine wound up sharing space with the toy inside the game's plastic cubicle.

Three-year-old Robert Moore tried to scoop out a stuffed replica of SpongeBob SquarePants with the vending machine's plastic crane on Saturday, but had no luck on his first attempt.

While his grandmother, Fredricka Bierdemann, turned her back to get another dollar for a second try, Robert took off his coat and squeezed through an opening in the machine. He landed in the stuffed animal cube.


Haha, this is hilarious. It's hard to believe that a kid could actually fit through the opening to get inside. What's also humorous is how the grandmother claims to have "just turned her back" while getting out a dollar. Yeah I'm sure... in the time it took her to find a dollar, he took off his jacket and crawled right into a vending machine.

She was more likely to get at the bar getting drunk while the three kids she was watching were on a field day. Go Grandma.


The One, The Only...
LMFAO! ... ok so ive thought about it before.

That does look like a rather large vending machine.