BF3 the PC & Console FPS WAR begins...


Tech Monkey
I know many TG members are PC gamers and could careless what FPS BF3 will run on the consoles, but some may might so this is for the few that do. I found out tonight that it will be running at a 30fps, this isn't bad by any means. Where is the evidence to back this up? I direct you to this link.

Really I expected a cut somewhere at least they didn't try to pull the wool over your eyes by cutting the res in half or something.

I am getting this for the PC and I got a rig that can probably handle this at 120fps, I say bring it!


Oh and I get 1080p on the PC to, no hard feelings. (c;

Battlefield 3 Is 720p On Consoles, Dice Says Duh, “Just Like 99 Percent Of All Games”
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Basket Chassis
Staff member

Enjoy your scaled back maps console players. I'll be thinking of you when I'm rocking 64 player, no I won't. I'll be too busy!


Senior Editor
Staff member
Console gamers and marketing need to be slapped repeatedly about '1080p' on consoles, it drives me nuts... the only 1080p games are 2D isometrics, simple 3D casual games and the various in-game videos... Though it is funny when you have a hardcore console gamer telling me FPS is superior with a joystick compared to PC (yes, I really did have someone try to argue that to me)... Oh well, lots of bickering that will never end.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Indeed. I already told my wife that a pre-order is a wonderful birthday gift.

There's only one way to test the whole PC vs console control - get the adapter that allows you to use a XBox controller on a PC and have at it.


Tech Monkey
Optix I did try the Controller vs Mouse match on the PC once and I found out that you can change the speed of the look (or right analog stick) on the PC, so some of the advantage of the mouse can be had with the Controller on the PC. This is limited to the game and if you want to screw around with a 3rd party prog of course, because not all games support this. The console you can not make any adjustments to the look, only the button maps. I did the same to my wife about CODBO for my Birthday, but it was all ready out. We have my stuff limited considering it's around Christmas. /c:

Tharic-Nar & Optix - Personal preference can never be changed unfortunately. I personally think that the Controller on a console for FPS makes me sluggish and feels like I am moving through mud. The mouse I can change my look speed on the fly and the mouse feels more natural to track a target, with a Controller my thumb is fine but it takes a while to get in the mind set.

Also this is just rumor so I'm not sure if this is 100% true or not. I had heard that M$ had tried to do the cross platform play with the 360 and the PC gamers with Halo 2 internally. They had pro console players and average PC players and the PC players would dominate the console pro players almost every game. That is the rumor as to why GFWL and XBL have not joined up because Console gamers are at such a disadvantage with the Controller, it's what I heard and at the time it and was a reliable source.
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Tech Monkey
Optix I did try the Controller vs Mouse match on the PC once and I found out that you can change the speed of the look (or right analog stick) on the PC, so some of the advantage of the mouse can be had with the Controller on the PC.

Very true. I play MW2 on both PC and 360 and I find myself getting lucky dragscopes and 180 or 360 single shot kills MUCH more easily on the 360 gamepad than with a mouse. Reason being is you can set the sensitivity on a console controller...and there's a threshold...all you gotta do to hit that threshold is push the stick till it hits the border. Simple as that. On PC you have to keep moving the mouse continuously and it's nearly impossible to get a 360 or 180 single shot kill.