Battlefield 3 Teaser Trailer


Tech Monkey
WATCH THIS IN FULL HD. The graphical detail is SICKLY amazing. I might have to get 6970's to run this in full detail! You MUST watch in HD to see how cool it really looks. btw, this is ALL gameplay. No clue why the video's breaking the forum, but oh well.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="1280" height="750" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Basket Chassis
Staff member

Ok, I need my P67 system by that time...and my other 6850, which is currently lost in the mail somewhere between my house and Sapphire!

I'm going to pre-order the crap out of this game!
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Basket Chassis
Staff member
Just for kicks I hit pause a bunch of time to slow the trailer down so I could really see the detail. Now this was resized by Photobucket but if you click on this image you can still see the detail like the reflection of the building in the lens of the scope.


Look what I found! It filters out all the flashy junk and let's you focus on the meaty bits.
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