Audio Archiving Guide: Part 2 - CD Ripping

Rob Williams

Staff member
In the first part to this series, we took a deep look at the various music formats available, while here, we'll tackle the actual ripping process. Believe it or not, some methods are better than others, and we'll explain why. We'll also discuss specific rippers for Windows, Mac and Linux, so no matter your OS choice, we have you covered.

You can read part two of Matt's series here and discuss it here!


it's = it is
its = possessive adjective and possessive pronoun (ie. his, her, their, ...)

You "journalists" please do watch what you're (you are, not your) writing. It makes you look smarter.
it's = it is
its = possessive adjective and possessive pronoun (ie. his, her, their, ...)

You "journalists" please do watch what you're (you are, not your) writing. It makes you look smarter.

That's a grammatical mistake I usually find myself correcting for other people, but it happens if you make a slip-up with your keyboard (muscle memory can be a pain sometimes). Even high profile sites like CNET and Engadget have made the mistake.

I am fully aware of the contraction's meaning, and we'll try to be more careful when we edit content to catch those mistakes.


Easy CD-DA Extractor From Poikosoft

I've been using this one for years. Purchased once and get a lifetime of updates, comes with the extractor/ripper utiol and an audio convertor and CD/DVD Music Creator. Has been the best $15 I ever spent and has quite a few options. Just something you may want to look at as well. Not sure if it does secure ripping, that seems like a good feature, thanks for the information.