Atari Porno

Rob Williams

Staff member
The latest Angry Video Game Nerd was posted yesterday, which takes a look at pornographic games that were found on the Atari 2600. I thought Porky's was the worst there was, but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

This is -very- adult, "Viewer Discretion Is Advised." Consider that your warning.

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Oh My Rob... I didn't think you would take a post like that seriously.

LOL. I've waited all day for the kids to go away so I could watch that. I remember hearing about the Custer one. The things to remember is, the game play was about as good as anything else for it's time.


The One, The Only...
LOL. I've waited all day for the kids to go away so I could watch that. I remember hearing about the Custer one. The things to remember is, the game play was about as good as anything else for it's time.

This is obviously your first AVGN video. You should watch more of them, but only when the kids are out.


Partition Master
LoL, who sits down to write that kind of game?

There are seriously sick fantasies in this world.


Once again, agreed. What gaming company would sit down and say "Huh, why don't we make some crappy porn game with pixels? :D" Seriously, I don't know...