Are You Upgrading to Windows 7?


The Tech Wizard
Well, at least until they sort out some of the first blush issues with 7...

Although with XP being the OS of choice in many new NetBook and NetTop systems, we may still have it's use for quite some time to come.

Damn....Finally got it

Downloaded the Win7 drivers from Nvidia onto a thumb drive ( Expanded the install ) with other conmputer, went to new install with thumb drive, restarted install to the first screen to load drivers, then went into DOS prompt/ copy to C:\ drive and loaded from C:\ drive.

You would think they would have auto loaded a generic video driver till you could get the proper video driver.
What a headache....but I put the wizard spell on it and got it

thanks for the replies


Tech Monkey
....but I put the wizard spell on it and got it
Magic words work for me in situations like that. Or, at lieast I feel better after choice utterances.:rolleyes:

Hmmm, so no generic video, but USB is enabled:confused:


Tech Monkey
You would think they would have auto loaded a generic video driver till you could get the proper video driver.

Well, yeah... Every other version of windows does that.

The two things you absolutly have to have working are the keyboard and video... everything else you can work around.

You got around it by downloading from a different machine... but what about people who only have one machine?

Gotta wonder what they were thinking....


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Windows 7 does load a generic driver if it can't identify the GPU or can't download a driver, which makes it extremely unusual that the installer quit working on you.

I run a GTX 260 and have never had a single issue installing Windows 7 beta, RC, or RTM builds using it, without needing any drivers.


Tech Monkey
Windows 7 does load a generic driver if it can't identify the GPU or can't download a driver, which makes it extremely unusual that the installer quit working on you.

Hmmm... is it possible the card is not compatible with the "generic driver"?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Kougar said:
Rob, what on earth do you do to your hardware!?

I have no idea, but I've had various issues with this PC ever since I built it. I can't say for sure, but certain factors lead me to believe that the motherboard is less-than-stellar, so I have a feeling when I upgrade, most of my issues should go away.

Merlin, there's a definite issue there to have that happen. I've installed Windows 7 using similar cards and had no issue. If a card isn't detected, like Kougar said, it uses a generic driver (like a VESA driver) to get basic video working. I have no idea what would have caused your issue.