Are Traditional Game Consoles Soon to be a Thing of the Past?

Rob Williams

Staff member
With Nintendo scheduled to take the veil off its "Wii 2" in the weeks to come, speculation has begun to run rampant with regards to what kind of console it's going to be, or if it's going to be the last of its kind. For those who just love their traditional console experiences, there's no good feeling in picturing the boxes as we know them going the way of the dodo, but some do believe it's going to happen.


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Basket Chassis
Staff member
I'm a big fan of the Ghost In The Shell series so I can kind of see things ending up there way down the line. Everybody just plugs in their brains and they're on the Net surfing everything they want. I don't expect the Wii 2 to give us all ghosts but it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo pushed cloud gaming in a big way.

If they do go to cloud based gaming, it'll be a bad idea for all seeing how Sony can't even keep their stuff together.