Apple finally supports Windows

Rob Williams

Staff member
Boot Camp

I don't know if this is a great thing or not, really. If you want a Mac, stick with a Mac. What I would have liked to see instead was perfect emulation of Windows programs through the OS X. Hopefully that will come later...


Tech Monkey
Been reading about that all over the net this morning...........;)
Still seems to be missing a lot of features and driver support.


Partition Master
Hmm, that's interesting stuff. I agree with Rob, if you like Mac's stick with Mac. If you like Windows stick with PC. Or if you're like me, sell your left nut and get both.


Tech Monkey
LOL...I used to have both, but the Ex got custody and I didn't even get visitation rights...................:( So all I've got these days is my PC's


Tech Monkey
This will "honestly" make me consider a Mac. I said "consider"... I did not say "buy"!

What I do want is to have Mac on my x86 PC hardware.
I would "LOVE" to see Mac support SLI and gaming configs and driver support to step up.

pipe dream... I know...


This could be the boost that saves Apple from its death spiral.
Particularly if someone (MS?) decides to offer/help/push driver development.


it's kind of good news I think as now both pc and mac can finally be able to boot on either macihne. it's good for consumer, though may not be so good for mac.


Tech Monkey
Can someone say Dual-Boot? This is really great. Those who need video or photo editing have the excellent Mac platform, and those who want gaming or windows apps can boot back into XP. Indeed the future is upon us.


Jakal said:
Can someone say Dual-Boot? This is really great. Those who need video or photo editing have the excellent Mac platform, and those who want gaming or windows apps can boot back into XP. Indeed the future is upon us.
yes this would be a great ultimate computer Mac\Windows combo on one good hardware.


The One, The Only...
I would perhaps like osx for a pc... for the media features mentioned. But honestly I hate, and i mean HATE, the mac interface. I grew up on a two button mouse. All the features on the right button alone are enough to drive me mad on mac. I feel nakid.


Tech Monkey
The video and imaging is the sole purpose I see with this. Most games don't support Mac and yeah the 2 button mouse SUCKS. Sure you won't have as many problems with the software on the mac side, but you won't have all the features windows offers either. I'm digging it.


Partition Master
I think this is ok but whats the point? If you want games get a PC, if you are multimedia savvy type get a Mac.
I don't even agree with the multimedia savvy anymore.

The shop I used to work at did a comparison test between a G5 and a P4 3.2ghz (or similar, I forget which exact model), both set up to relatively equal specs. We did computer music studio production (we built U2's live touring rig this year), and the P4 based model blew the G5 away, in every single category. The same has been true lately for video editing and Photoshopping. A PC based system, either AMD or Intel, completely trashes a Mac.

People who base their Mac purchase on the media performance are basing their decision on a factor that was outdated when the G3 came out. Remember, the benchmarks that Mac uses to prove their superiority in Photoshop include one filter, run on Feburary every third February 29th, with the humidity at 62.5% and run while wearing a particular pair of underpants.

Maybe the new Intel chips will make a difference, but it's still very hard to tell at this point. Jobs still isn't gonna allow a total takeover by Windows, so expect alot of problems. Personally, I see Mac getting totally trashed as a studio machine........the same as it is today.