Anyone Know A Good Video Editter?


Hi, I'm looking for a good editing program that will allow me to delete bits of the video. I'd like it to actually delete the part, not just mask it like some edittors do. Also it'd be nice if it didn't require the video to change its file type or its size (bigger, not smaller). Thanks.

Rob Williams

Staff member
There's actually a free tool out there that I use for that reason, called VirtualDub:

You can easily delete various portions and then export the video in numerous formats. If you want to save it as a DivX, you will need the codec.

Even Windows Movie Maker is decent, but I believe it requires you save it as a WMV.

As for professional tools, Adobe Encore and Pinnacle Studio are both great to work with. Sony has a decent one too, but the name escapes me.

Welcome to the forums :)


Sony Vegas gets my vote for any and all video editing needs. It's geared for professionals (with a professional price tag to boot), so there's a slimmed down consumer version in the form of Sony Videofactory (comparable or on par with Adobe Premier).