Anyone have an Opteron?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I don't currently, but am planning on buying one in the future. They tend to have higher heat, but with 1MB of cache, and being cheaper (usually) than a San Diego, then it seems like a smart thing to do.

Most people who have the 144's are able to overclock to 3.0GHz, which is a huge jump from the stock 1.8GHz.

Anyone going to jump on the Opteron bandwagan?


Well, me, obviously, but we already knew that.

There doesn't seem to be much difference in the end result between the 144 and 146, but i would go the 146 just because of the multi sweet spot. 144 has a 9x multi, and the 146 has a 10x multi. So, if you want to run 1:1, the 146 will take you farther, but it's just going to end up in dividers anyway, to run lower latencies, so it doesn't really matter.

They've got good prices on them at

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I am keeping back for now and am trying to be content with this Sandy that I currently have. I have gotten up to 2.7 with this 3700+ but would love to get more with it. I am hoping that this winter will bring some higher overclocks with it. As for the Opteron, I am eagerly waiting on the results from Ciento when he gets his. I would gladly pick up one for under 200.


I'll be the guinea pig for both forums then, i guess. SillySider is waiting on me as well, i think. I'm gonna see how close to him i can get on air, then maybe get a waterchill up, see if i can't toast his monster venice.

Yeah, no kidding...$173 for a 146 isn't bad.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Heck no, that's an amazing price.

Eclipse has a 144 and 146, but his 144 is able to clock higher.. although I forget why. I wish Opteron's were easier to get up in Canada.


Rob Williams said:
Heck no, that's an amazing price.

Eclipse has a 144 and 146, but his 144 is able to clock higher.. although I forget why. I wish Opteron's were easier to get up in Canada.

Probably just different steppings... I think there's two major steppings, and i believe the CABNE stepping is better... i'm pretty sure that's the right one.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Check your source again. The 146 for $173 is s940 unfortunatly. The s939 is just a tick over $200 ($201 US to be exact). I just can't let you order one and it be the wrong socket. Make sure you get the s939 or you will have to break off the extra pin and void your warranty.

JK on the extra pin mod. Christ I hope no one trys that!


Oh... crappy.

The only reason why i didn't both checking the socket was that someone on XS said that they were listing them all as socket 940...

Guess i need to come up with a little more money... This is turning out to be a little more of a project than i thought... as usual.

On the other hand, wish me luck towards 65k today.:)


(CABYE stepping)

I would have to truthfully say that, this ASrock & Opteron combo has been "THE" number one upgrade for me in my 23+ years of the computer world. I am hitting 3Ghz stable with this chipset @ 1.45v on the CPU core with the AMD stock HSF. There is also a vmod to reach 1.55v which I have not done yet. I imagine 3.2Ghz is not out of the realm with a good cooler like the "ArcticFreezer 64" at those volts. I can say I would highly recommend this motherboard & CPU combo to anyone with an AMD64 upgrade in mind.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Ahh, glad to see a successful overclock on an ASRock board. I have yet to test one of them out but am glad to know they are good.