Anyone go to a Black Friday door crasher?


A few classmates and I left southern NB at about 11PM and headed down to Bangor, Maine. By the time we got there (12:30/1AM EST) the Best Buy line easily had 1,000 people.

So we went to Circuit City. A friend of mine managed to pick up a Samsung 245BW for 329$ (+86$ at the border).

I was tempted to grab an Xbox 360, but with my new PC sitting in a box at home waiting for me, I figured I'd be alright without one and picked up a Logitech G15-B (amber keys/smaller design).

All in all, between the 4 hours we waited in line and the 6 hours that some asshole sent us home for (the i95 takes you to Northern New Brunswick, we live accross from Calais.. they must've seen our plates and figured they're mess with us, next time we'll have a map), we still did have a fun little trip, and Gerry got a damn nice looking monitor. I should've picked one up for myself.


Soup Nazi
Mind running the part about 6 hours to go home? You lost me there. As to going to a BF sale, not me, not on a bet. Of course the fact that I have social anxiety disorder doesn't help. Mind you I can take large groups of people as long as they're either spread out (like at the LAN earlier this month) or quiet but get me penned in a noisy, pushing, grabby crowd and I'm the guy you're liable to see getting tasered to death on the 11:00 news.


Well, it takes us about 90 mins - 120 mins to get to Bangor from St. Andrews.

At 5am, after being up all night, we end up taking the I95 out of Bangor (dunce cap time).

Now, bring up this map while you read the next part :).

We keep going to Lincoln and someone tells us that to get to NB just keep on the I95. What we SHOULD have asked, was how do we get to Calais. We ended up getting most of the way to Houlten(the border town on ourside was Woodstock, and that's a 5 hour drive from home). So we turned back around to Lincoln, got back on Route6, and got back home, lol.

A 250km trip that turned into 600.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I can't be stuffed to get off my ass to go sit amongst a slew of other idiots who value saving a few bucks over keeping warm and comfortable. As a roadtrip, it might be kind of fun, though. It's just too bad NCIXs BF deals sucked majorly, those are the only ones I was going to pay attention to.


Yes, NCIX's deals did suck. With NCIX Boxing Day is the big one. We had more fun with the road trip than we did with the sale.


You have to love folks from the East Coast of Canada. I've never seen them mad. 4 hours waiting in line, 6 hours driving the wrong way? Put a NYer through that and they'll plug you with a 9mm. But someone from the east coast? They'll just say it the trip itself was all the fun.


The One, The Only...
I -had- to go to garden ridge on black Friday, for of all things, a gnome.

Thing wasn't even on sale.

Even as late as 5pm the lines were significant, and the store was packed. Parking lot was full.

All for a gnome...