Actually, Kougar is incorrect this time (sorry). 3D does incur a performance loss, of
~50%, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact it has to render a scene twice from 2 different angles + overhead.
Rob can't see in 3D, so he can't test it as part of the suite, since he wouldn't know if it was working properly. Additionally, there are only 15 officially supported 3D vision games, the rest are tricked into working using the NVIDIA drivers, so results will vary. Full list
available here.
As for CUDA processing, this is a very complicated problem. We've constantly been going back and forth over inclusion of tests, but there are a number of roadblocks as it were. First of all, the technology is still immature. There are a number of apps that can make use of GPGPU processing, but often it's hard to benchmark.
Something like video encoding, you are restricted by the codec that can be used, and the quality results are terrible in comparison to x86 (as shown by Anand with their
QuickSync test on Sandy Bridge). RayTrace rendering engines using CUDA have very limited feature support, they lack various processing methods and are completely useless for final render. Photoshop doesn't use CUDA, but OpenGL for it's processing. There's folding, but again, rather limited and constantly changing, which is the second major problem.
For reliable benchmarks, we need fixed metrics and tests. Since CUDA is in a constant state of flux, it's very hard to get accurate and predictable results. Software patches and performance increases and efficiencies would always make our results null. What accounted for the increase in performance, the card, the drivers, or the software?, so we would need to retest all cards with new drivers on the latest software - largely for the benefit of a very small niche.
Tests could be done, but they would be very intermittent, and probably not part of the regular test suite. Which is how we normally test them. PhysX we have done tests with, but again, as separate articles. Such as with
Mafia 2. Sure, we could do more tests in the future, but it's finding a game that makes real use of PhysX instead of just the odd extra bit of flying gravel... (Crysis 2 perhaps?).