AMD: Game Devs Uses PhysX Only for Cash

Rob Williams

Staff member
Ever since NVIDIA bought out AGEIA for its PhysX engine, the company has been pushing it as something that should be in all games, as it can greatly increase the game play and fun-factor. But according to AMD's Senior Manager of Developer Relations, Richard Huddy, most game developers that utilize PhysX don't want to, but have to. That's quite a bold statement, to say the least.


You can read the rest of our post here.


Sounds like sour grapes on their part. Where's the ATI open-physics that they have been trying to get off the ground? What's new in ATI Stream?

It's not so much that the other companies are very aggressive its that AMD's branding and marketting sucks so much. As I said before, they should stop playing meek and start getting more pro-active with their branding. They act all the time as if they are just some small non-name company who are being strong armed by larger companies when they are the 2nd largest x86 microprocessor supplier, as if they can't afford to have developer programs like twimtbp.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I couldn't agree more with what you're saying, as it's pretty much how I've seen things for a while. It's true... there's ATI Stream, but what can it do, aside from working with ATI's video encoder tool? Not much as far as I'm aware. NVIDIA on the other hand proactively pushes CUDA and what it can do.

I still wish the market would hurry up and get rid of these proprietary standards and just move to OpenCL. That's the only real way consumers are going to win, when they won't have to worry about what kind of GPU they have when it comes to GPGPU.