Hmmm.... Why did they compress the PC version so much? Lames....
EDIT: Also, a really harsh user review of Sleeping Dogs:
"Absolute garbage, ignore fanboys calling this crap better than other sandboxes. It seems like it was made last gen. The combat sucks, you can literally one shot everyone by throwing them into obstacles. The graphics are subpar, the AI is terrible, the driving also terrible. The AI is so terrible that if you're being chased by a cop the police will drive infront of you and literally stay there driving beside you doing nothing until you stop. Police will only fight you one at a time. Physics in the game is non existent, you hit people with cars they fly over and land flat on the ground the exact same. Don't get me started on the mediocre vehicle damage. You could be driving full speed and hit a car and leave little to no damage to the car. The driving is wonky and arcadey, nothing like GTA you're basicaly going full speed and able to turn sharp corners like that LOL. The dialogue is horrendous, the world is bland, it tries so hard to compete with contemporaries but fails on all measures. This game has done nothing that other sandboxes haven't already done, and better. Save your money and wait for V."
This is what I meant when I said it looks meh. GTA did it right and then others attempt to copy them but don't do it very well.