From our front-page news post:
According to a new study, games for the Xbox 360 that include great achievements to unlock sell better overall, and also receive better review scores. I could see how this could be the case, since it feels great to be acknowledged whenever you accomplish something great in a game, whether it be killing a badass monster or driving 500 miles. When that Achievement Unlocked pops on the screen... one word comes to mind: Satisfaction! Congrats for earning 50 gamer points for making it through this news post.
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A new study by Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR) suggests that the Xbox 360 achievement system (here called "accomplishments" for some reason) has an effect on the title's success. According to the press release, EEDAR found a "strong connection between a game title's diversity of Accomplishment types with that game's profitability -- pointing to the idea that the more diverse the Accomplishments available to the user, the more enjoyable the game, higher review scores, more units sold."
Source: Joystiq
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A new study by Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR) suggests that the Xbox 360 achievement system (here called "accomplishments" for some reason) has an effect on the title's success. According to the press release, EEDAR found a "strong connection between a game title's diversity of Accomplishment types with that game's profitability -- pointing to the idea that the more diverse the Accomplishments available to the user, the more enjoyable the game, higher review scores, more units sold."
Source: Joystiq