A new contest using Deuce!!!


Tech Monkey
Into another modding contest, this time with my newest build. This voting is just to get the top 10 vote getters into the final round.

Register is required. You can vote once a day, per mod. you can give it a positive or a negative vote. Voting is now through Sept 26th.

2 of the entries are not even mods... several look like ass.... and one is being "Enzyte'ed" (read enhanced by magical means...)

Here is the contest

Here is my mod:

Here are some mods of my friends:





And this, my friends... is MorseCode... and if you will notice, he is the only one that is in the positive, while everyone else is in the neg... cowinkydink? I think not!

And from the looks of things, he is tanking everyone else, and elevating himself. I've already had an exchange with him in the forums, and seeing this kind of behavior honestly does not surprise me...

I fear, since voting just started today, that this is going to dwindle into a ghost voter battle. I dont want that out of you guys. All I need is to keep myself (and my friends if you feel generous) in the top 10. judges take care of it after that and the votes have no bearing on that.

Thanks all!

Rob Williams

Staff member
One-quarter of those PCs are nothing more than the simpliest mods. If it doesn't require more than paint, can it even be considered a mod?

Voted on each of them anyway, and yeah, that MorseCode mod really confused me. Why is everyone in the negative... do they begin out that way?


Tech Monkey
One-quarter of those PCs are nothing more than the simpliest mods. If it doesn't require more than paint, can it even be considered a mod?

Voted on each of them anyway, and yeah, that MorseCode mod really confused me. Why is everyone in the negative... do they begin out that way?

*que soap opera music*

Drama within 2 days of the start.
Morsecode's user base built him up and tanked everyone else... (just read that somebody, or a group of sombody's did a drive by on his mod and tanked him too.... it's frikken poetic!)I am fully not expecting to make it to the top 10 as I have likely "swatted the bee hive" of his support once too many times! ;)

The whole "top 10" thingis now questionable as it is already shown that his userbase is willing to throw other "better" mods under the bus in order to get him to the top 10. Of more concern to me is if they force the strongest mods to place outside the top 10, leaving a weaker field for his mod to compete against.


Thanks for the support, but I do not know how much difference it is going to make on this competition.

Rob Williams

Staff member
This contest has gotten ridiculous... there is not even a point of voting at all. Everytime I look at it, your score is about 20 lower than it was before.

What a waste of everyone's time. All it takes is one douchebag with a lackluster mod.


Tech Monkey
You are right.... there is no need to vote at this time, as it is easily undone by someone that is able to dump massive votes on people.

I'm waiting to see what the admins do with this situation. Should definately be interesting.

The thing that blows me away is MC's absolute belief that his mod is better than the majority there. Confidence in your build is one thing... but blindness to other builds just stumps me....

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'm curious to know what the admins do as well... I'm surprised they're letting it go on at all.

And yeah, I like mods that actually have a computer in them. His is half-finished... not sure why it was even accepted.


Tech Monkey
The contest specifies that the judging is on "external modifications" and not the internals. So, from that standpoint, you could submit a chassis with nothing in it.... from a literal standpoint.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Still not a single thing done about this? It's blatantly obvious that he's responsible for skewing every-single result. They should just disqualify him from the running and let everyone else actually have a fair chance at the content.

Not to mention whoever's running the contest should stop wasting everyone's time (since many people are still voting and wasting their own time).


Tech Monkey
They claim that they fixed the vote totals... I dont think so. I certainly did not see a shift.
Either that. or this guy really does have a legit vote army that is pushing everyone down and elevating him.
No biggie in my mind right now.... it was an afterthought contest anyway by virtue of the vendors not taking an active role in the running of it.

Shame really.... could have been cool and fun for everyone... but degraded into a pissing match...


They should have put more thought into the whole voting process and allowed people to make one vote per day for their favorite mod. I would have expected Intel to put more thought into this That one guy is still the only one with positive numbers.


Tech Monkey
What they never should have done was make a public voting facility for a contest with the ability to vote negatively. never should have been offered. *shrug*
You learn moving forward. ;)


Some of the best mods are not even in the top 10. They really should have redid the voting process and started over from scratch. As you mentioned, the option to vote negative should have never been an option at all.

Rob Williams

Staff member
What in the? How on earth did the contest coordinators let that go through... there's no single doubt that there was some shady business going on. But, if the flurry of negative votes didn't tip them off, I am not sure what would.

What a waste.


Tech Monkey
I've given up trying to figure out what happened... but this is twice that wierd shit has happened on a Dell modding contest I got involved in... as well as confirms my suspicions that Intel != enthusiast. If there are not $$ attached to it, it is an afterthought. Maybe even an annoyance?

The way the whole thing went down left a VERY sour taste in my mouth. It is a shame. I'm very glad more people did not get burned on this.

I've lost a hell of a lot more contests than I have won, that is for sure. But all of them have been run exponentially better than that travisty of a thing they called a modding contest.

Not bitter at all though, honestly. I knew from how vocal I was in the forums that I was likely pissing off the wrong people. So, I knew I would not win. But I certainly do not agree with the winning entry. It is my opinion, and I am entitled to that! :)

Move along! I have a hockey game to go to tonight! ;)
Stars vs Preds... I'l be the one giving the ref an earfull!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yup, that sucks Craig... enraging even. To see someone win a massive prize like that wrongfully is retarded, and frustrating. You'd think that the admins would notice something gone wrong when every-single other entry had negative votes, but no.

Whatever... not much can be done now it seems.