8 hours on an Xbox 360

Rob Williams

Staff member
This is an awesome breakdown of what the author enjoyed, didn't like, and has no conclusion on. You can check out the full look here.

I tell you.. I don't know what to think of the gaming industry nowadays. It seems that *every* single game I look forward to, ends up sucking. I recently bought LA Rush, which I've waited for, for FOUR years, and it sucks! The same goes for Serious Sam 2, although it's not even as bad as LA Rush.

I had a couple games in minds to purchase on the 360 launch, which included NFS: Most Wanted and Perfect Dark: Zero.. and this guy didn't like them at all. It's not just him either, because others who attended the same event are saying the same thing. I will still likely buy them because I am a fanboi, but damn :/

If I see Tony Hawk: American Wasteland get bad ratings.. I swear I will cry.



Partition Master
The games I'm waiting for are COndemned, Ghost Recon 3(although I'm getting that on the PC along with Oblivion) and Gears of War.
What I'm planning to do is sell my 360 on ebay if the demand for it sky rockets during the holiday season. Hopefully I can cash in and make a decent amount of profit.

Will Nave

The only games I've played lately that have made me happy are Battlefield 2 and F.E.A.R.

Otherwise its all flashy **** from my perspective...

Rob Williams

Staff member
Will, good to see you around :D

I love my 360 and would never sell it. Finally beat NFS, so now it's time to move on to PGR3.


NFS blowed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man we played that game all week and all to see a cheesy ass NO ENDING!!!! Ugh, talk about lame.


Yeah, it was preaty cheese dick.

PGR3 still the best racer out there. Hell, i thoguht Ridge Racer was more entertaining then NFS:MW

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'm loving Ridge Racer, I think it's great! It's far different than the other two, but it's supposed to be. It sticks to it's roots, so I'm happy with it.

NFS didn't blow. It's funny how much I could care less about the ending. After beating every other NFS out there, I've gotten used to it.


Partition Master
I got my 360 December 30th, and decided to keep it. I got the premium package along with a copy of Condemned. I beat it in like 6 hours... lame.
Traded it in for Perfect Dark... another lame game... it's decent with other people but still lame.
I rented several 360 titles, and so far I'm really not that impressed and I guess... I had a personal hype about it.
Hopefully better games come out for it soon.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, both Condemned and Perfect Dark are horribly dull. I love mainly the racing games and stuff. Even DoA 4 is frustrating as hell. Kameo was a great game though, I loved it.


And the Japanese dude here is still waiting on the PS3....wondering whether I'll also be disappointed like you guys with the 360 games. Then I'll just decide that I'm just too old for this or something......:(


Microsoft made a critical error when they released XBox 360 without that "killer app" and relied on the press and shipment shortages to hype and promote the machine to become one of the hottest items of the Christmas season. I almost fell for it... almost, until I realized that there no "must have" game that I wanted to play. Then, my shiny new toy would've just sat there gathering dust... I will wait until PS3 and/or Revolution and make my choice from there ;)


I'm so sorry, but I was really not impressed with PGR3. PGR 1 and 2 were way better. I did think that AMPED 3 turned out very well. I can't wait until they support more of the original XBox games.

I just wish I had more time to play. I won an XBox 360 Premium at a company party. But between school, work and being married... I never have time.

Ah well. The system is pretty cool.