Almost 15 years ago when the internet was still in it's infancy and Usenet was the big "social network" of the day, I posted some information that resulted from some activism I conducted with the Canadian Government. It was nothing especially controversial just some essays I'd written to explain the issue and a copy of the Government's eventual decisions about the matter... What, in today's world would be considered "FYI" stuff.
In the middle of several hundred pages of documentation was one sentence ... a mere 20 or so words... that, taken out of context could have a different meaning than the one I intended.
This one sentence was enough to set off someone with a very disturbed mind and for the better part of 12 years, dealing with this person was my first and biggest task, every single day. The situation became worse and worse as time wore on.
This person developed an entire "alternate personality" for me which was the exact opposite of the truth and through power of repitition made it into the believed truth about me. Quite literally this person re-wrote my entire life history. I was accused, online, of just about everything from pedophilia to racism to defrauding the government... none of which was even close to the truth. But it was believed.
As this spread across the net I soon found myself dealing with this stuff off-line as well... It got into my workplace and cost me a couple of prime jobs. It got into my family and played a part in alienating me from my children. I was arrested and questioned several times about things that never happened. It even got into my social life as friends started asking me the strangest questions about my past and my present state in life.
Needless to say the impact on my life was devistating...
15 years after this started, the first message this "person" ever posted, along with some 11,000 subsequent hate messages, can still be found online. It's all nicely archived away for posterity by several different "agencies", including Google. 3 years after it ended I still find myself having to deal with the problems it's caused on a more or less daily basis as my new landord looked me up --with predictable results-- as have several potential customers... Needless to say this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
There are even a couple of places where you will see this whole situation cited as the first known case of "cyberstalking".
And even today I still occasionally meet new people who are already mad at me...
If you think you can actually erase anything from the Internet you are sorely mistaken. If you think you can have privacy while spilling your entire sordid life into a website, think again... And if you think people don't take what they see seriously, you need your head read.
The big problem is that most people believe what they hear or see first. Once given that first impression, convincing them otherwise is flat out impossible. The more you struggle to correct their misunderstanding the more you are peceived as denying the truth or lying about your past. That is to say that once the fix is in all you can really do is walk away and hope that's the end of it.
Really no joke... This could happen to anyone.
(Well, at least now you know why I don't post under my real name...)