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  1. juGGaKNot

    Soccer and guns.

    Hitting a ball is a sport =))))) its like nascar , cars going around in circles = sport people f**king up their brain is a sport also. ( yes i'm talking about boxing ) now counter-strike is a real sport !
  2. juGGaKNot

    Soccer and guns.

    the photo .. so cute ... :X nevermind the genocide i'll never come to america ! maybe to kill bush ... ( the fbi is already on my tail ) would like to go to canada .. have friends there :P
  3. juGGaKNot

    Skulltrail Processor Details Rumored, Platform to Support Quad-SLI

    "I wonder if it will run Crysis at full settings"
  4. juGGaKNot

    Apple Fires 800 People Due To Rebate Fraud

    who's ass ?
  5. juGGaKNot

    OCZ Announces PCP&C Turbo-Cool 1200 Power Supply

    2 quad core proc / 4X9800 / 8GB ddr3 2000mhz / 4Xraptors + 4 1TB hdd etc etc 1200 W : 20 K watching the power consumption with your friends : priceless
  6. juGGaKNot

    Antec Nine Hundred

    cheap when comparred to antec p190 1200 W that i'm thinking of now .. its about 500 - 600 $ at my local shop right now y have a raidmax ninja that y paid ~80 $ and its realy bad ! realy realy bad ... the new case will be max 200 $ without...
  7. juGGaKNot

    Matrox TripleHead2Go

    yes 3840 X 1024 is perfect 4 all games. but my dell 1130 will still be the monitor for counter strike 1.6 ! thnx 4 the quick answer and for the review ! w8 for triple head2go digital review. The Best.
  8. juGGaKNot

    Matrox TripleHead2Go

    hmm so only 3 19' monitors with maxim rezolution ( 1280 X 1024 ) cant use 3 22 or 24 monitors that i set at 1280 instead of their max rezolution ?
  9. juGGaKNot

    Antec Nine Hundred

    interesting ... was thinking of antec 190 with 1200 W power but this is great because of the cooling for the rig i'm thinking of : dual hd2900 ( or 9800 ), amd quad ( or intel, still w8 4 review ), 8X500 GB HDD etc etc not 2 mention the triple 19' monitors via triple head2go digital LATER ...