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  1. E

    MSN: IRS taxation of online game virtual assets inevitable

    As far as Blizzard knows I live in the Antarctic... Let's see those tax forms now! :D
  2. E

    Computer scares?

    I have my HTPC, home theater system and TV all plugged into the same UPS. Now whenever I turn the home theater system on, the UPS beeps, complaining about a power slump or something! So... I'm thinking the power spikes probably would have killed the HTPC by now if not for the UPS. :D UPSes...
  3. E

    Is anyone looking forward to Vista?

    I really don't care for Vista. XP is fairly stable, and I don't see what Vista has that I need that absolutely has to be part of a new OS. To me an OS is something small and efficient that manages the machine for you. It should be shipped on a small USB thumb drive (64-128 megs?) and...
  4. E

    Tiger vs. Crocodile

    Some tigers (and panteras) actually enjoy a dip from time to time and will pounce on fish from an overhang or branch. They are far from helpless in the water... but one bite from a croc and they get their tail handed to them. :)