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  1. K

    Everest Ultimate

    Every time I run speedfan 4.34b51 it crashes but the old version works. I just have to figure out what temp 3 is, says its 127C and that's making me worry. edit: This also says my discs are 114F and 120F..this isn't very reassuring. edit: I powered off and stayed off for 20 min, when I booted...
  2. K

    Everest Ultimate

    Why did the SMART tab show me the temperature of my raptor to be 105F before I put a fan right on it, and now it says 115F. I felt it and it doesn't feel even warm, but at ambient. The value is 115 but the worst field say 96F and hasn't moved, are they backwards? You know when something is...
  3. K

    OC'ing problems?

    I ran nTune and it set up an advanced profile, I forgot I did that otherwise I would have undone that. I rolled back with system restore then it froze and I got upset and left the house. When I came back I had an error for NV4_DISP.DLL, a search revealed that it was the nVidia drivers so I...
  4. K

    My Razer Copperhead Died!! HELP!! No support from Razer!

    Buy another one from Worst Buy, then switch them and return it. They sold me a $700 camcorder with a plan that's oh...only good for cleanings? Now they sell and damage plan, but not 2 yrs ago when I bought it. I told them to honor it this one time or they would pay more. Now I buy and swap...
  5. K

    OC'ing problems?

    Both drives are sata, the main is a 150gb raptor 1.5gb/s and the secondary is a 750gb wd 3.0gb/s. Graphics provided by msi's 8600 gts oc and the mainboard is a asus m2n-sli deluxe chipped with an amd 64 x2 6400+. I have an old pata drive with a windows install on it that I use for...
  6. K

    OC'ing problems?

    God I hope I didn't fall into that for some reason. I'm getting intermittent lock-ups and pin it down to either software or hardware yet. Ran Memtest x86, and a full CHKDSK and it locks on my 750gb drive(secondary). So I disabled that but it still locks. How else can I narrow this down...
  7. K

    Techgage Benchmark Scoring Thread

    Thanks, I've been out of the game a while so I'm going to pretend that I know exactly what that multiplies.
  8. K

    Techgage Benchmark Scoring Thread

    Well, I want my own page in wikipedia one day but for now I'll settle for a few spots on the top benchmarks scores. I ran the SiSoftware memory bandwidth and got a 9549 on the int and a 9504 on the float measured in MB/s. This is a new system and haven't done much work to it so I can hardly...
  9. K

    Defrag @ boot

    I've had an issue like that long ago with XP. I booted in Safe Mode and then restared and it went right in windows after that. I keep that trick near-by in case I ever see it again, worth trying I'd say.
  10. K

    HDD Cooler/Noise Eliminator

    Negative, I have the 150 w/o the window. While most people go for power, I'm in the middle of building a silent PC. The only fan I have is the 120 exhausting the case, minus the 80 on the CPU and the one in the Hiper s580 that you never hear anyway. With torrent fairly often Everest is...
  11. K

    Do you keep your PC overclocked?

    All the time. I run BOINC and do work for SETI and the more I get done the sooner Joe Rogan and I will find those little green men that congress keeps talking about.
  12. K

    HDD Cooler/Noise Eliminator

    Any ideas what works best to cool a Raptor and take some of the noise out if it? Once I ran defrag and all those guys from thriller started popping up from my floor I decided it was time it quiet this baby down. This is a good choice but can someone reassure me and tell me that it works well...