Search results

  1. Greg King

    Should Cheap Android Phones be Avoided?

    I think the cheaper Android options serve their purpose and their lower cost makes the entry into the world of smart phones more accessible. I also feel that if a company releases a product, they HAVE to commit to supporting said product for a typical life span of the phone. At a minimum, in...
  2. Greg King

    Googles April Fools joke for this year apparently.... already uploaded?

    Dragon Warrior I is the best NES game I ever played. There were many that I loved, many that I still find the magic in, but Dragon Warrior sucked me in and never let me go. Also Captain Skyhawk.
  3. Greg King

    UK Man Jailed for 'Inciting Racial Hatred' on Twitter

    I am unfamiliar with the laws of the UK but I know that this wouldn't happen here in the States. Westboro Baptist anyone? From the story, the guy is a colossal prick but I don't know how racism can be deemed illegal. As deplorable as it it, it's an opinion and governments cannot legislate...
  4. Greg King

    Skullcandy TiTAN Earbuds

    ...just because Hey everybody! madtechnical enjoys saving money!
  5. Greg King

    Gentoo on Archer

    Off Topic Rob, first glance at your avatar conjured up thoughts of Rhianna in my mind. Learning that it was in fact Marilyn Manson made me sad because Rhianna is so damned fappable.
  6. Greg King

    Rovio Entertainment Acquires Futuremark Games Studio

    Kind of a head scratcher but interesting. It will be interesting to see what fruits grow out of this acquisition.
  7. Greg King

    Gentoo on Archer

    SNAP! Seriously, everybody should check it out. It's full of witty literature references and how can anyone dislike Jon H. Benjamin?
  8. Greg King

    Lamptron Announces 'Steampunk' FC10 Fan Controller

    I abhor the term steampunk but given it's fall from stupid everyday popularity, it's a bit more stomachable. That being said, I love this controller.
  9. Greg King

    Building the Right Box

    We might share the same DNA Marfig. After reading your comments, I believe it to be possible. The power supply. I haven't once given it much thought. When I build a system, I know the specs I need. I primarily look for a unit that doesn't use 80mm fans for cooling. One with a large fan on...
  10. Greg King

    Scientists Claim to Have Found Most Relaxing Song Ever

    I'm pretty sure I could smoke out to this song. Relaxing FTW.
  11. Greg King

    Gentoo on Archer

    Archer is the single greatest show on television. Rob, check it out. I cannot recommend it enough. They just wrapped up the third season so you have a bit of catching up to do.
  12. Greg King

    XBMC 11.0 'Eden' Released

    I admittedly have not used XBMC much past installing it and thinking it looked pretty. Boxee on an HTPC is absolutely wonderful but Eden looks good. I've been playing around with the beta but now that it's out in the wild, I'm kind of excited to poke around for a bit.
  13. Greg King

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 Preview

    Oh Max Payne. I have missed dearly.
  14. Greg King

    Encyclopaedia Britannica to End Print Edition; Goes 100% Digital

    Understandable but still kind of sad. My grandfather sold World Book Encyclopedias for extra income during his summer breaks (he was a teacher) to support his family. Farewell giant ass volumes of books. I remember using you for reports in school before the internet made life awesome and suck...
  15. Greg King

    An Introduction to FreeNAS - The Do-It-Yourself NAS OS

    Kougar, First off, I need you to stop posting in the forums for a bit. You're post count is somewhat unreachable to me at this time. :) Secondly, and most importantly, I do not have any numbers for the FreeNAS build as I haven't built it out how I am going to test it yet. Concerning VPN, I...
  16. Greg King

    Linus blasts openSUSE

    I don't follow Linus and only know of his contribution to Linux. Are these types of outbursts from him common? This seems kind of childish.
  17. Greg King

    An Introduction to FreeNAS - The Do-It-Yourself NAS OS

    FreeNAS is cheaper if you have extra hardware lying around. 6GB of RAM is the recommended minimum if you want to use the ZFS file system. Even then, it's 8GB required given the OS is loaded into memory at boot at a cost of 2GB. Synology, or any commercial NAS offering for that matter, will be...
  18. Greg King


  19. Greg King


    Happy Birthday you leap year freak.