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  1. MakubeX


    Nice sneaky way of advertising, huh.
  2. MakubeX

    Time to fly nude!

    Plus, that might not be the only rock hard part of your body on that trip. :eek:
  3. MakubeX

    Toshiba Slashes HD DVD Player Prices Once Again

    Haha, so all you care about is Fast & The Furious, huh? :p Well, right now I'm format neutral thanks to the PS3, so I wouldn't want neither of them going to waste, especially the one that's not good for anything else but playing movies. LoL, that was awesome. :D
  4. MakubeX

    Toshiba Slashes HD DVD Player Prices Once Again

    I sold my Toshiba A2 and Xbox360 HD-DVD player to buy me a Toshiba A30... so I do hope HD-DVD sticks around for a while. :p
  5. MakubeX

    Toshiba Slashes HD DVD Player Prices Once Again

    Holy shark repelling spray, Batman! Can HD-DVD be saved?!
  6. MakubeX

    NVIDIA Launches 780i Enthusiast Chipset

    Well, I'm on EVGA's queue for the 680i -> 780i upgrade offer. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
  7. MakubeX

    The Rig That Rob Built

    Looking good, Rob. Congratz on the new rig! :cool:
  8. MakubeX

    Duke Nukem Forever Might Not Be Taking Forever After All

    Kicking ass and taking names! :D
  9. MakubeX

    Disappearing car door!

    Yeah, it looks really cool but is can also be kind of inconvenient.
  10. MakubeX

    Time Crisis 4 Requires Purchase of Two Games for Two-Player Action

    This is simply ridiculous. And to think I was looking forward to this game. What a pity.
  11. MakubeX

    Crysis Case Mod soon

    Can't wait for you to start on the mod and start posting pics!
  12. MakubeX

    New PSU: Corsair, Thermaltake, or Coolmax?

    Whoa, I was in a hurry earlier and missed the "SLI"part. In that case, like madmat suggested, it's much wiser to get the 620HX. madmat already explained in detail "Why?", so I won't add anything to it.
  13. MakubeX

    New PSU: Corsair, Thermaltake, or Coolmax?

    Yup, the 520HX can handle that. If you want more headroom then the 620HX is definite best choice from the three.
  14. MakubeX

    FS: 16.92GHz Processor

    What in the world?! Error?
  15. MakubeX

    AsylumLAN 30

    I know what you mean, I have the same "problem". My relaxed face, looks like a serious face. But I'm not really a hard ass at all. :)
  16. MakubeX

    Ideazon MERC Stealth Gaming Keyboard

    Looks like a solid keyboard, but I'm just to used to regular keyboards to use those gaming keys.
  17. MakubeX

    AsylumLAN 30

    Hey Rob, what's that Arsenal thing on your shirt and your avatar? PS. Do you always look so serious? I think you tried to smile when smothering the Hooters girl, but didn't quite make it. :p
  18. MakubeX

    Parents punish kid... kid hires hitman

    LoL, what a loser.
  19. MakubeX

    AsylumLAN 30

    Looks like fun, although I would've been screwed. I can't game well on a chair without armrests. :p
  20. MakubeX

    Reader's Rig Photo Gallery

    And here's a current one of mine with my new PSU.