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  1. K

    Migrating Your EA Games from Steam or Retail to Origin

    Well here is the final response I will get from EA on the subject. Hello Brandon, The decision to retire older EA game services, such as the Burnout Store or other online features/servers, has always been a struggle for both EA and our consumers. On one end, we love the idea that our...
  2. K

    NVIDIA Releases Battlefield 3 Graphics Guide

    This will make amd and nvidia happy lol. Now if we can just get a racing game that cripples systems I'll be a happy man. lol
  3. K

    Migrating Your EA Games from Steam or Retail to Origin

    Well son of a bitch. I talked to ea about burn out that I just loaded onto origin, and they said they don't have DLC anymore for the game. (which is total crap, they just stopped it for the PC so they could sell more console BS). I filed a complaint with the California BBB. I've gotten XFX and...
  4. K

    Migrating Your EA Games from Steam or Retail to Origin

    It is a known issue with just steam version of burnout. there was a period of time where you could do it, then for some reason EA stopped allowing it for burn out and steam and that was it :( I got that directly from ea and steam help desk people. Basically we should have bought them sooner...
  5. K

    Migrating Your EA Games from Steam or Retail to Origin

    THANK YOU!!!! You have no idea how happy you are going to make my son. He is now 7 and he actually cried (and he almost never cries about anything), when I had to tell him if you bought burn out on steam, you are unable to buy the expansion cars. He doesn't know it yet, but he's going to get a...
  6. K

    Need help looking for a particular device.

    After researching for a bout a week, I have decided the best course of action is to get a usb extender code, probably a powered one.
  7. K

    Adobe Photoshop (cs5) Help!

    Wow thanks guys. I'll try those out. I don't have In design, but I'm sure I can get a trial that will work long enough to get what I need done. :)
  8. K

    Windows 8 Could Require Internet Access for Continued Use

    With out piracy I would have never fixed my legit copy of windows. :P I seriously called them 4 times to remove the stupid "this isn't genuine" bullshit from my legit version of windows and on the 5th time it happened, I torrented a version of windows that had an amazing crack to it, and have...
  9. K

    Adobe Photoshop (cs5) Help!

    I am making proxies to replace my real versions of magic the gathering cards so they may be left at my local shop for people to draft with, I need help making a template that I can easily swap out 9 cards when I'm ready to print another sheet. Here is an example of one of the cards...
  10. K

    Need help looking for a particular device.

    Are you talking like a wired hub?
  11. K

    Need help looking for a particular device.

    Sorry I meant just a long usb extender cord.
  12. K

    Need help looking for a particular device.

    Thanks :) I didn't even think about lag. What about just a really long usb cable? :confused:
  13. K

    Need help looking for a particular device.

    I am going to make the jump and get a G27 series racing wheel. So I can use it with my laptop that will be hooked to my living room tv, sort of a portable gaming device :) Problem is, I need to be away from the tv a ways, and I don't want a cord hanging from my laptop which will be on a...
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    Need for Speed: SHIFT 2

    I plan on checking it out soon. I love the way they went with NFS, now if we can just get an r-factor + need for speed + dirt2 + f1 spawn I'd be set :D
  15. K

    Mozilla Breaks Down Firefox 4 Download Stats

    It reminds me a lot like chrome, I'm just getting motivated to start using it. Firefox 3 started off sooo well, then it just went down the shitter.
  16. K

    Rift Implements Innovative 'Coin Lock' Security Feature

    Very f'ing clever! I like that.
  17. K

    Do Some Video Games Push the Violence Bar too Far?

    I say crank it up to 13. I love the violence. I born into video game blood you could say. Mortal Kombat :) TEST YOUR MIGHT! /queue bloody knuckles :P
  18. K

    So I bought the Ubisoft Steam package.

    The one with Assassin's Creed, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Far Cry 2, and Call of Juarez. I have to say, I really really like the multiplayer on Call of Juarez. That native with the bow and arrow is just wrong haha.
  19. K

    Is TG checking out PAX 2011?

    that's ok, I understand that. I didn't realize pax was a smaller event, I don't really keep up on that stuff hehe. Since stopping wow, I need that void in my gaming life to be filled haha.
  20. K

    RIFT Head-Start Begins Today

    I never got high enough to really try other areas but it did seem like it was on rails for questing maybe that will change? I loved being able to take my tauren and go do undercity quests or my gnome and do elf quests and so on. was just a nice change. This is on world of warcraft of course.