nvidia 9xxx series DVi to HDMI woes



I'm not sure if this is the case in HDMI to HDMI on the GX2; but it seems there may be a problem with the 9xxx series drivers (I'm trying on Vista x64) with using a DVI->HDMI adapter to hook up to your monitor. You will get overscans when attempting to run 1920x1200 resolution, and end up with it not lining up correctly. Just had it happen to me on my 9800GTX I installed today when hooking up to a LG246BN. Had to go with the TVout to Component at 1080p to get it displaying correctly for now. Guess I gotta go DVI to DVI on my new 2408dp or wait for them to fix this dumb issue.

/vent off


The Tech Wizard

I'm not sure if this is the case in HDMI to HDMI on the GX2; but it seems there may be a problem with the 9xxx series drivers (I'm trying on Vista x64) with using a DVI->HDMI adapter to hook up to your monitor. You will get overscans when attempting to run 1920x1200 resolution, and end up with it not lining up correctly. Just had it happen to me on my 9800GTX I installed today when hooking up to a LG246BN. Had to go with the TVout to Component at 1080p to get it displaying correctly for now. Guess I gotta go DVI to DVI on my new 2408dp or wait for them to fix this dumb issue.

/vent off
HDMI is not a good connection, they are still working on the whole system.......Someone sold HDMI as the best there is.....it's really not.
You can get a better image from componant or DVI-D than HDMI

Maybe one day they can get to ver. 2.0

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:


No DVI connection on this monitor, got component, VGA, and HDMI. :( Don't have DVI->Component cables, if I wasn't getting a new monitor soon, probably owuld pick some up from monoprice.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Interesting finding. If I have time tomorrow, I'll test HDMI with the 9800GTX on the XHD3000 and see what happens.


How do you like the BFG physics card?

Did you see any performance change?

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:

Not really, but it was one of those "Hey Look, it's $45AR" kinda things, so I figured what the hell, I play A game that uses it at the moment, maybe there will be more since nVidia bought them 2 days later. We'll see if they just use the accelerator over nVidia hardware, or if the Ageia hardware still works. Maybe with the backing of nVidia, we might see more using their engine that does.


The Tech Wizard
It could be the 64 bit OS with those drivers giving you the problems...I sont have that card, but it's new and they may be still working on firmare...you know how that goes....

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage: