YouTube's Movie Rental Test Results in Revenue of $10,709

Rob Williams

Staff member
For as long as it's existed, YouTube has been known as a site to offer free video. But last month, Google tested the waters to see if people would be willing to pay for movie rentals to help recoup the enormous bills that the site accrues every day. To say the test was a roaring success would be a bit of an understatement, with a mere $10,709.16 of revenue generated during the six days five test movies were made available.


You can read the rest of our news post here.


Tech Monkey
The only problem is the horrible amount of bandwidth required to download and watch movies at native resolutions. Never mind HD which would eat all of my 60GB monthly allowance in no time. Good concept, but having to pay for a movie and then pay for the overages will prevent me from ever doing anything like this.