Yeah, so Xclio.....

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Got a minute to waste and then ten more to wish you had that one minute back?

Our friends at Xclio have done a stellar job using flash to properly demonstrate just how a power supply works. We suggest you check it out. And for those of you who do not speak power supply, there are text bubbles so don't worry about that.

Watch it here!


Partition Master
Cute, but it will take more than comical Sumo-video cards to challenge the Toughpower(s), and the X3.

Has Jonny reviewed it?


Soup Nazi
They're based on the same CWT designs that the Tt Toughpower 850 and 1KW's are.

The whole show is bollocks though.


The One, The Only...
It really not that bad of a visual for that 13-18 yr old about to build his first rig and unaware of that particular component works.