Xtorrent 1.0 for Mac OS X

Rob Williams

Staff member
XTorrent is a BitTorrent OS X application that is being hailed by many as the most capable program of it’s kind and one that blows past everything that came before it, regardless of platform, price or functionality. But is it really that good? We at Techgage took a look at the latest version to let you know.

You can read the full review here and discuss it here.


Let's be realistic about Xtorrent

Your review neglected to say that the demo (free version) has an absolute wonderful feature that you loose when you buy the app.

Namely, the clock that starts a countdown. Your review said something about a slow down in the program after an hour - and - maybe that's why the clock is there.

I wouldn't know. The program freezes after 2 or 3 min, and at the best 12 min after starting. That's why the clock is such a nifty idea - you can tell to the second when the program concked out. But the programmer must have done his homework and followed whatever guidelines developers use for developing Mac programs - I say this because the Mac force quit application works - like a charm - everytime with Xtorrent.

If I would ask the developer - Dave Watanbe, is that right? - for one more feature to addd to Xtorrent, it would be a hot key link to the force quit to make getting control of your Mac faster.

Beyond any doubt for me this is the most frustrating program I have on my Mac. I'd gladly pay the fee and get the "Pro" version, but I have no guarantee that the Pro version would crash any less frequently. And, with the Pro version, I would miss the best feature in the free v ersion - the countown clock.

Joel in his Schaltraum

PS: Some days I don't even bother stocking up Xtorrent and go to Transmission or Pando or Veoh Player as a torrent client. These two programs are free.


I that xtorrent is the best of the Mac clients: best interface and very user friendly. Unfortunately, the developer, David Wantanabe, is NOT user friendly as your article states. I also lost my serial number and had to spar with his arrogance and rudeness. In the end I proved that I did pay for his application, contrary to his thought process, and he provided the license code to me. However he failed to admit his mistake.

I continue to use xtorrent and love it. Azureous is a good app too, but it is messy and complicated compared to this. The other Mac torrent clients didn't impress with their their feature sets or shine.