Windows 7 Launch Confirmed for 2010

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
We have posted news of Windows 7 in the past, but specific details of what to expect are somewhat scarce. One piece of info isn't, though, the release date. It's been speculated for a while that 2010 (or -late- 2009) would be the set date, and as it seems, the guess couldn't have been much closer.

According to a Microsoft e-mail sent to Softpedia, the launch will be three years after the consumer version of Vista, which would put us in a timeline of around January 2010. It's far too early to speculate whether the OS will drop during that month or not, but I'd be willing to guess it won't. Vista also had high-hopes of being launched early, but it didn't happen, so there's no telling whether the same thing will happen with 7.

Although I've disliked Vista for the most part since its launch, I have it installed on my main Windows machine now, and have for a few weeks, and don't have much issue, so I am impressed there. But, there are still obvious issues, that should have been taken care of pre-launch. So, I'm willing to bet Microsoft will try a bit harder to make sure 7 is easier to deal with at launch than Vista was. We will see...

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Microsoft explained that it would deliver Windows 7 three years after the consumers launch of Vista. "We are currently in the planning stages for Windows 7 and development is scoped to three years from Windows Vista Consumer GA. The specific release date will be determined once the company meets its quality bar for release," a Microsoft spokesperson revealed to Softpedia via email.

Source: Softpedia, Via: Engadget


wow,a little too late considering how weak is Windows Vista and they continue to lose clients day by day.


Tech Monkey
Vista is weak? I have had nothing but problems on my wife's PC with XP. specs:

MSI K8N NEO4F/165Opteron/1GB ram/HD3450 video/500GB HD

I installed Vista Premium 64 on this machine tonight and despite the low specs for running Vista, this PC has never run better. Seems like a major problem of user error is involved with Vista complaints.

Time for Microsoft to put a bullet in XP's head. It really needs to be put out of it's misery.


Tech Monkey
I couldn't be happier with XP, never a problem with it from the day I installed it (except for self caused due to OC'ing)...........;), the wifes rig has been running the same install for the past few years with nothing done to it except for the standard updates, she has the original XP install from when I built her the system with a AMD A64 3500 on a Abit AV8 board on a old SATA WD 80 gig HD.

That said, my free (sort of, had to let MS spy on me for 90 days, Windows Feedback Program) copy of Vista is on its way...........;)
Got this Email from MS the other day.

This message is to notify you that your 3 months participation term has completed, and we are getting ready to ship your product. You will receive another email from us when shipments have gone out.

Your product selection:

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit DVD)
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Techgage Staff
Staff member
Well, from the sound of things I would say you were in the minority b1lk1. :)

I've used Vista for over six months, and a great deal has been improved. But the performance penalty is honestly horrendus, and most annoying was any sort of file transferring is still below XP levels even after SP1 is installed. I still don't aprpeciate waiting severa minutes before it even decides to begin file transfers, XP can finish before Vista would even get started sometimes.

The extra anti-piracy measures are also a problem, apparently installing Vista without first setting the correct time in the BIOS can lead to activation hell until you reformat all over again.

I could both praise and rant on Vista for an hour, but I'll just say that after that BS with the unending activation problems combined with RC1 + RC2 service pack builds actually making games crash I am back to using XP, with the SP3 beta.

I am looking forward to Windows 7, so far the new approach taken to building it is the best I could of hoped for, I just hope they continue to build it correctly this time. Even if it offers the same performance as Vista I would be happy... by then the computer hardware is going to be leaps above "Core" and "G80" so it won't matter.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I have to agree... b1lk1 is so far in the minority, I can't even see him anymore!

With XP, it works well if you know what you are doing, but problems can still arise. Overall, I still believe XP is more stable than XP, but it's also been out for a while longer as well.

Vista is annoying as hell, but I am learning to put up with it a little bit. I have to agree with Kougar... the fact that Vista does certain things so slow is truly ridiculous. The other day, I couldn't even rename a folder until I reboot the computer first. I mean... what?

Grats on the free copy sbrehm... definitely let us know how you like it!


Tech Monkey
When I do get it installed, it will mainly be used for gaming and a bit of OC'ing, Ubuntu will remain the primary OS for surfing the net and everyday tasks, I'm really getting to like it more and more the more I use it...........:)

Rob Williams

Staff member
Good to hear you are quickly becoming a huge fan of Linux. It certainly has its perks, that's for sure. When I made the move, it took a little getting used to, but with some determination, you quickly begin to understand why it's such a great OS. Not to mention it's damn stable. I occasionally have KDE crash on me, but that happens usually only if I am logged in for a few weeks at a time. Logging out and back in occasionally fixes that.

That said, you will probably not mind Vista if you have some patience (something I don't have).


Tech Monkey
I've got "some" patience, but as soon as I come across a few apps that won't run with it (Vista) that I like using on a regular basis, I'm afraid I'll upgrade back to XP. we'll see how it goes soon enough I guess.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Depends what you want to use, I guess. I really haven't found compatibility problems with anything I use, except for an obscure plugin for the MMO I play, but that might be more due to the fact I am using 64-Bit.

I think there's still problem with certain anti-virus applications, but even those are fewer than ever.

But, I just realized... if you are receiving a free copy, haven't you been using Vista already? Or was their "spying" on XP also?


Tech Monkey
They were spying on XP as well..............;)

But I have used several RC and beta versions of Vista in the past, both 32 and 64 bit. About the only real problem I had back then was with some of the monitoring and OC software, but most of those are now fixed with their latest releases. And I use AVAST anti-virus and that was one of the first to work with Vista, so I really don't see any real issues with going to Vista right now, but you never know for sure til you try it all out.


Tech Monkey
All I can say is that for me, Vista has been relatively painless. Sure I've had issues, but they have been tolerable. It is so much easier to install than XP and it even auto-loads the proper drivers for you. I did not need to install 1 drive myself on my wife's machine. I am even further surprised as to how well it is running on only 1GB of ram. I had major fears and it feels no slower than that garbage XP Media Center did. I had nothing but problems with that OS on this machine. That and nothing installed correctly. I'm the happiest minority there is I guess.


The Tech Wizard
Depends what you want to use, I guess. I really haven't found compatibility problems with anything I use, except for an obscure plugin for the MMO I play, but that might be more due to the fact I am using 64-Bit.

I think there's still problem with certain anti-virus applications, but even those are fewer than ever.

But, I just realized... if you are receiving a free copy, haven't you been using Vista already? Or was their "spying" on XP also?
I have NOD32 installed for antivirus. No Slow down.
Norton just slowed me down too much.

Rob Williams

Staff member
About the only real problem I had back then was with some of the monitoring and OC software, but most of those are now fixed with their latest releases.

There are still problems with this in the 64-Bit version due to that OS' stress on having verified drivers. In order to use RivaTuner or CoreTemp, I have to boot up disabling the driver enforcement. There is a command-line command to run that takes care of this as well, but as far as I know, it works only on a per-boot basis.

I have NOD32 installed for antivirus. No Slow down.
Norton just slowed me down too much.

It's even faster to not run such a crap piece of software ;-)