Windows 7 a free upgrade, but...

Rob Williams

Staff member
News has exploded around the web this morning regarding the fact that Windows 7 will be a "free" upgrade to Vista users, as posted at TechARP. What I think most people are overlooking though, is the fact that this is not new, and the same exact thing was done with Windows Vista. This is not for current Vista owners, but rather for consumers who purchase a Vista-equipped PC within a certain timeframe, which is TBD.

I think there are far too many people who believe that this is a free upgrade for everyone, because that's the idea I'm getting from various comment threads around the web. That's not to say that Microsoft doesn't have plans for current Vista users at all, but I'm willing to bet that they don't. It appears that Windows 7 will be launched just like any other Windows OS.

Rob Williams

Staff member
After seeing this news posted on other websites, I realize that the information I mentioned above can actually be found within the same article. I had no idea the article had multiple pages, and given all the initial comments, I don't think I was alone. Regardless, much more information can be had there, but essentially, the rule is that if you purchase a pre-built PC after July 1, you can upgrade to 7 when it comes out if the OEM supports the program.

Too bad that affects no one here, since it doesn't seem to apply to anyone who purchases Vista themselves.