When companies are confused with launch dates...

Rob Williams

Staff member
Earlier, I was working on something when Thunderbird popped up a notification in the corner, "Get ready for Call of Duty: Black Ops!". I said, "What?" As a big CoD fan, I knew that the game wasn't due until November, so I immediately thought, "What the hell? Xbox gamers get the game TWO MONTHS EARLY?" Well, I calmed down, because I realized that whoever wrote up this -official- newsletter screwed up.
I came up with a theory, and I think it's plausible. The game comes out on November 11, 2010, which is 11/09/10. In Europe, that same format could be considered September 11, 2010... so I figure whoever was preparing this newsletter genuinely thought it was September 11 and kept it as that.

But how on earth did something like this get out without being checked over?!