What is it with idiot parents?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'm no parent, and to tell the truth, I have no interest in having kids anytime soon. But it boggles my mind when I read stories of issues with kids and realize just how much of the problem is the parent's fault. Take this story for example:


This kid played a game so long, that he actually collapsed and convulsed.The reason? He played the game for 24-hours straight, with little food and next-to-no sleep. At what point, exactly, did the father plan on intervening? Long-session gaming deaths are all-too-common, but not to the layman. Even so, isn't this what common sense is all about?

"The boy is expected to make a full recovery but his father said he plans on limiting the amount of time his son is allowed to play computer games."

Oh really? What a good father he must be.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I've played for 8 hours, the woke with keyboard imprints in my forehead......

Haha, that's nothing! The longest session I had was with an MMORPG that lasted 34 hours. So, I'm not innocent here, but I never felt any signs of extreme exhaustion. I was fine overall. Still not sure how I did it... I seem to tire out a lot quicker now than I used to. Of course, when I am up for 24+ hours now, it's usually because I'm wrapping up some time-sensitive content...


The One, The Only...
Ive played a game for 30 hours in an "awake" part of a cycle before. (the time between sleep) But this wasn't without trips for food, and I think one T.v. break. (maybe an hour) But besides that (and bio) Every waking moment was spent playing.

I know this is bad (physically) because of the stationary position, I know that people who do not love games have a hard time understanding it, and I HAVE SEEN first hand the lack of parenting that is becoming all too common.

It will not be too long before CPS deems an instance like this as child neglect.

Rob Williams

Staff member
That experience is somewhat similar to mine. I used to eat a fair bit, so that probably helped combat some of the tiredness, or keep me energetic to an extent. I didn't take any breaks except to use the washroom, throw on a fresh pot of coffee or cook food. This is something I wouldn't do again though. In this particular instance, I stayed up that long on purpose since I had a few days off of work in a row. I wanted to see how long I could go, and that I did, heh.


I went 40 hours with 1/2 hour cat-nap, drank coffee, but no food breaks.
...although I wasn't playing a video game. I was driving from Vancouver Island, B.C. to Thunder Bay, Ontario non-stop. Boy that little nap did wonders, when I woke up the 'marshmellow man' was gone.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I was driving from Vancouver Island, B.C. to Thunder Bay, Ontario non-stop. Boy that little nap did wonders, when I woke up the 'marshmellow man' was gone.

That's insane. I would never risk something like that... on sleep like that, the chance to drive off the road is far too great. I have a friend who did something quite similar, and I just don't know how someone can pull it off. I'd no doubt wimp out and fall asleep after 20 hours of driving.