What are you looking forawrd to this month?

We have the PS3 and the Wii, along with Zelda, Gears of War, Guitar Hero 2, Tony Hawk's Project 8, Resistance: Fall of Man, and more to choose from.

What are you planning to pick up this month?


Partition Master
This month, I'm picking up Gears of War and Rainbow 6 Vegas. I already picked up Splinter Cell Double Agent.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Picked up NFS: Carbon and Fifa 07... Tony Hawk will be here later this week. Gears of War is probably another one... that game looks amazing.

November is such a hardcore month on the wallet :\


Partition Master
It really is. That's when all the 'good' stuff comes out. You get all the hit movies and games during the holiday season. So much stuff that I really don't need but really want, so little money.