Warhammer Online Beta Signup


Wish they would approve these things already - I've been signed up for a few months now - I've heard nothing.

I think they're even pointlessly braggin that they're up to like 400,000 sign-ups - as if it is something to be proud of.

400,000 sign-ups != to 400,000 members on launch day.


I do wonder how many of the signups are multiples, though making people upload their DxDiag.txt files might cut down on that. Still waiting on my beta as well, though a lot of people in my PvP guild are in.


Nothing will replace WoW.
Blizzard has, as it is known to do, cornered the market on products that take a niche environment, added an incredible ease-of-use, mainstream element, and made it their own. Millions of non-MMO players have picked up the game simply because of the simplicity and peer pressure, and it's spread like wildfire. Since it was their first, WoWheads will always compare other games to it, and the more in-depth rpgs (SWG, for instance) will begin to pander to that audience because it's HUGE.

Yes, I'm a hardcore gamer in that I like complexity, not in that I spend 40+ hours a week online (which, sadly, I do... it's for work, I swear! ^_~)


I have to agree with GameMaster, nothing will replace WoW. It's grown so much since the release. Its like it's own little weird culture..heh. One thing for sure, for a good while its gonna be a force to reckon with....and perhaps buy and play..but thats a different story all together.


In addition to competing with all the other sign ups, I doubt they have many slots open yet. Pretty early in development still from the video footage I've seen.


Agreed, I signed up to but i haven't recieved any word yet. Just have to remember that there is more than just one game.