Want to feel small?


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Stuff like this is just incredible. It also should make someone stop and think... there might be some major issues on Earth, but in the scope of things they should really be insignificant, or shouldn't be issues at all. There's an entire universe out there yet most people still act like the solar system revolves around the Earth.

Something I find amazing and am dying to see launched in my lifetime is the James Wedd Space telescope. Hubble was the best in technology for the late 80's when it was finally launched in 1990. But the technology it uses is outdated and horrible limited by todays standards. This amongst other reasons is why Hubble can't actually see the edge of the Universe or attempt to look beyond it.

The Hames Webb Space Telescope was designed to do exactly that. Not only does it have a mirror that is 6x the size of Hubble's but it is designed to operate in the infrared spectrum as well, and comes equiped with additional shielding to cut down on image noise. Not only should we be able to observe objects much further out but we will be able to inspect objects much closer in that Hubble simply wasn't able to do in detail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Webb_Space_Telescope

My only regret is that the James Webb Space Telescope will be highly sought after for obersvations, and yet there's only one of them to go around. Mostly though, is that even the James Webb Telescope doesn't have quite the resolution required to give us detailed photographic images of extrasolar planets.

As of this month we've found 344 of them, but because of land-based and Hubble's own telescope limitations they are all huge planets that dwarf Jupiter. Many astronomers seem to agree that it will take the successor to the James Webb Telescope before we have to technology to observe planets of Earth's size.


Site Developer
This is why APOD is in my feed reader and always will be. A few minutes out of every day to realize how tiny this planet is really puts things into perspective. I would have absolutely loved to live in a time where travel across the galaxy is a reality. Some day it will be, but until then I have to keep dreaming.


The Tech Wizard
Think about it...
We are looking for another Earthlike planet because we Screwed this one
I guess they want to start from scratch ?
With a perspective like this, we ARE a virus that now wants to screew up a galaxy

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, glad this is still getting some attention. I looked at it again, and it's still mind-boggling. From our perspective, Earth is huge, but man, it's not even close to being "huge". The sun is massive compared to Earth, but even that pales in comparison to the biggest stars in the galaxy.