Triton AX360 Headphones


The Tech Wizard
On recomendation I just got the AX360 5.1 surround headphones.
They are awesome. I also tried the optical out on the M2N32 SLI board.
Real clarity.

Great Sub and tweeter sound images.
And comfortable, I had them on for about 2 hours, got up from the desk and forgot they were on my head.

I tried to look at any reviews at Techgage, but I guess it was down a while.


Rory Buszka

Partition Master
I'll have to see if I can get these in and give them a good going-over. If they really are a high-quality product, the world deserves to know.


The Tech Wizard
I see that some are having problems. I suspect it might be the sound card they are using.
I really like these.
I'm just using the MaxSound that comes on the M2N32 motherboard and everything sounds great.
In Gaming I hear minute sounds to help in gameplay that I don't hear over the speakers.



The Tech Wizard
I keep reading that the AX360 have weak that true? Compare the bass to another headphone.
I use mine for everything, gaming andMP3 listening
Sounds great to me, may have to dowith the audio card that is feeding the AX360
