Tom's Hardware Registration = One Big Mess


No ROM battery
I've posted anonymously on one of TH articles. Got the email asking me to register within the next 48 hours. Tried to register but it says my email address is already in use. "Probably. Maybe I registered before and I can't remember", I thought. So tried to recover password, but it says the email doesn't exist in their database. What!?

So next I try to contact TH support. But there's no support. I try to post anonymously on the forums, but it isn't possible. Need to register. I think "What the hell, might as well troll them" and post anonymously on some random article just to explain the problem, but gives me an error. I cannot post with that email address again.

Well done TH. I'll go register instead on How to Butcher a Chicken.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I've run into the same issue before... it's a bit foolish. I think it's the result of the backend being upgraded over the years and still not being tied together properly. No excuses for it, though.