The New Batman Movie


The One, The Only...
I went to go see Batman begins yesterday in theaters (yeah im a big batman nerd so opening day was a must!)

I liked it alot! Though the Raz agul (spelling check on that one later) story line was a little out of place with the traditional story line.

Graphics: 8/10 I mean it no starwars but what was done was so F N unreal...

Storyline: 9/10 Only reason for not getting a ten was because of the twist they put from the original batman storyline that they were supposedly sticking to.

Crappy love scenes: 1/10 The crappy corny love scenes you would typically find in a superhero movie were lacking... I for one and apauled at the fact that they didnt even really attempt to push Katie holmes as the main squeeze... bottom line... batman didnt get laid once... (well unless in the water with the two modles something happened)

Set up/fight scenes/technology: 10/10 Goes through some of the main gadgets without going obsesively into detail. The fightscenes were mainly martial arts ninja style! The setup for for his parents being murdered was great! the way they did it interlaced wasnt boring! They didnt obsses with too much and they didnt leave important info out.

AVG: 9.8 (I'm leaving the crappy love scenes out of the equation cause if you didnt guess at it, I was being sarcastic)

Oh fair warning though... leave the 3 yr old at home... Batman looks demonic to anyone under the scarecrow's dust.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, good review!

Since I am out of the movie loop, I didn't hear of this until yesterday. They demoed the obligtory Batman video game on Attack of the Show, and it looked awesome.

I never go to the cinema, but I will likely rent this one when it comes out.


The One, The Only...
If I had the time and didnt mind spending the money I would actually go see it at the IMAX theater here in town... It really is that good! IMHO...

Go see it DS... you know you want too...

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hehe, I don't really watch movies. I seriously watch three movies a year.

About as often as I get laid. Usually in the same night too.
