The Future of Video Cards


Tech Monkey
Maximum PC always has the latest information on the future of computer components. I love it.


Rory Buszka

Partition Master
I remember seeing that, back in 1999 when reading the magazine at my local library. (support 'em!)

Now, that jab at the graphics industry takes on fresh meaning as top of the line cards require monstrous coolers and more power than your CPU uses. This trend must be put to a stop, and I hope that AMD+ATi will finally roll out GPUs that actually harness some modern CPU fabrication technology and a) don't do double duty as space heaters, and b) don't require a separate 30MW power plant to run.


Tech Monkey
I'm not a subscriber, but a friend of mine linked me to the picture. I knew it was old, but so relavent these days. It seems the trends are coming back. We had the VooDoo series that were powerhouse gpus, but took up so much room. The VooDoo5 6000 incorporated 4 gpus and needed an external 12v plug. Then nVidia and ATI stepped up with faster, smaller cards. Now, here we are 5-6 years later and we're at the same point. But with new advances and smaller processes, things will (hopefully) get better.