The Biggest Rip-Offs in America

Rob Williams

Staff member
There are few things on this earth that frustrate me as much as getting ripped-off. Sure, that venti-sized Carmel Macchiato costs a cool $5 or so, but at least it's delicious. That $4 text message conversation I ended up getting into? Now that's a rip-off. That's far from being a lone rip-off, though. CNN Money has taken a look at nine of the most major rip-offs in all of America, and chances are you're already aware of most of them.


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Senior Editor
Staff member
That was the joke made not too long ago, it was cheaper to send and receive data from the Hubble space telescope than it was to send a text message (there is an article somewhere that explains it).

Printer Ink, that has been in recent discussion. Bottled Water... especially at concerts, where a pint of beer is cheaper than half a pint of water. Branded toothpaste, most toothpaste is actually made by the same company, same for washing powder. Pharmaceuticals in general, olive oil ear drops charged at $2-$5 per tincture. White paraffin based moisturisers. Baby oil.... it's just mineral oil with perfume.... what's mineral oil...? it's liquid petroleum - a byproduct. I'm sure someone will mention Thermal grease as well.

So many different things, and that doesn't include the 'premium' items, like $400 trainers, and sports editions of cars where you spend $28,000 for an extra 20 horsepower and have the AC unit removed to save weight.... :p


"At least, not when the text books cost a freaking $900 per year! "

Not when you go to my school and rent textbooks for $120~ a semester (which is the cost for one textbook for courses...) :p