Techgage Readers Continue to Adopt Windows 7

Rob Williams

Staff member
About ten or so days ago, I posted some initial statistics regarding our readers Windows 7 usage, and since we're two weeks into December, I feel like I have enough solid data to portray just how popular the latest OS is. If you'll recall, in the first three days of the month, Windows 7 accounted for 23.80% of all our Windows users. Has anything changed? Well yes, but not for the worse.


You can read the rest of our news post here.


i quite like Win7 myself...
although to be honest, the only reason i'm using it in the first place is because it was free


Tech Junkie
just re installed a fresh copy of Windows XP... had to delete all of the C drive, damn USB viruses!:D

ah and Kaspersky Internet Security too!


The One, The Only...
2T2T - Normally that one person would be me... but Rob's screenie is mine. I adoped a while ago. ;-p