Steve Ballmer signs a MacBook Pro!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Earlier this week, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave the keynote address to the Nashville Technology Council, which was held at Trevecca Nazarene University (TNU) in Nashville, TN. Steve, who is on a multi-city tour to promote Microsoft, joined other prominent technology professionals like Abbie Lundberg, editor-in-chief of CIO Magazine.

It seems to be a fad to put Steve down, but at least he has a sense of humor. Could you imagine Steve Jobs signing a PC notebook? It just wouldn't happen.


Tech Monkey
This is a great way to make a MackBook actually worth something.

All kidding aside, the MAC VS PC war is getting old. MAC's are basically PC's now with a different OS and PC's are a cheaper alternative. The argument will always rage on and each side is a defiant as the other, but noone can deny the price differences for the same hardware. The only thing making a MAC more expensive is OSX.

Rob Williams

Staff member
All kidding aside, the MAC VS PC war is getting old. MAC's are basically PC's now with a different OS and PC's are a cheaper alternative. The argument will always rage on and each side is a defiant as the other, but noone can deny the price differences for the same hardware. The only thing making a MAC more expensive is OSX.

Haha, well the comment I had didn't have to do with Mac vs. PC, it just has to do with the facts. Steve isn't the most open-minded person out there, and what he says goes. It's obviously working out to his favor, but I sure couldn't see him having humor if someone offered him to sign their Dell or similar notebook.