Steam's June Hardware Survey: Windows 7 on the Rise, Macs on the Decline?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Since it's been a little while since we last took a look at Valve's hardware survey, I figured now would be a good time to do so, for a couple of reasons. The big one being that Macs are now included in the results, giving us a relatively good idea of the success of Steam on that platform, since it's now been available there for about two months.


Read the rest of our news post here and discuss it here!


Techgage Staff
Staff member
That's a pretty large decline in Mac users... but I bet I know why. All the TF2'ers went with a mac to get a free set of ingame iPod earbuds. Virtual machines, hackintoshes, borrowed laptops, whatever, all they had to do was install steam and play a few minutes to get the item drop. Only ~6% of TF2 gamers use a Mac, yet almost half the players I've seen have the iPod earbuds... ;)