Steam crashing Deus Ex: HR on me?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I have so far put 23 hours into this game and have been loving it. I've heard about the problems that some are experiencing with crashes and such, but for me, almost the entire 23 hours I've sunk into the game has been crash-free. With a couple exceptions.

At about hour 15 or so, I experienced my first crash. It occurred more than once, and at the same point... I saved the game. It turns out that this was a Steam Cloud issue, and after disabling that feature, I never experienced the issue again.

Last night, I played for a bit, and within a half an hour, I crashed. I mean, full PC lockup + graphical glitches. Thinking it was a fluke, I decided to load it up again, only to experience the exact same issue a mere ten or so minutes later. Crashed twice in the span of 30 minutes when up to that point I had only crashed once due to a Steam issue.

After verifying the files, Steam decided to download 12.8MB of something for the game. Thinking that might also be a fluke, I reverified right after, and no cigar. Indeed, Steam failed to download some patch, and I am starting to think that was the problem for these crashes. Since it was late, and I ran out of patience, I haven't loaded the game up since.

Oddly, Brett also experienced a similar issue. At the first major cutscene, his game would crash every single time. After I recommended he verify the files, he did, and lo and behold, it was fixed.

I love Steam, but when it is the reason new games are crashing, it doesn't look good on the platform.


No ROM battery
I don't have any problems so far. The current game version is 1.1.622.0 and there hasn't been a new patch since last Thursday.

I did notice a few issues with Steam last week though. It would flag me downloads as complete that weren't in fact. This happened while I was updating the Orange Box (after a 1 year hiatus), exactly Thursday. Deus Ex last patch on that same day also had to be repeated, but that one happened automatically without my intervention.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Steam does have syncing issues when a particular game or update is under high load... attempting to verify files does sometimes force Steam to check and download new patches for a game. If it can't immediately begin the download, it will just appear to hang until it is able to grab it.

Some games will always download files, because the Steam verification check isn't capable of correctly reading DRM-related files that have the user's unique security key for the game, and the verification will delete and redownload a new copy... it beats me if Dues Ex is one of those games or not, but it's worth mentioning.

Might sound silly, but did you restart your system before attempting to play it again? Restarting Steam isn't always enough if something in the game itself leaves behind dirty cache or dirty memory files... it's extremely rare, but I'd had that happen even with mainstream Steam titles.

Rob Williams

Staff member
marfig said:
I don't have any problems so far. The current game version is 1.1.622.0 and there hasn't been a new patch since last Thursday.

This could be part of the problem. I've had Steam download a patch on more than one occasion, and chances are it never applied properly until I forced it to validate the files. I noticed some people talking on the Steam forums about the multiple patches also, so I guess I am not alone.

Kougar said:
Might sound silly, but did you restart your system before attempting to play it again? Restarting Steam isn't always enough if something in the game itself leaves behind dirty cache or dirty memory files... it's extremely rare, but I'd had that happen even with mainstream Steam titles.

Yes, given the entire PC crashed, I did indeed reboot :p


Tech Monkey
I am having the same problem Rob. What I had to do to fix it was turn off AA completely, going to MLAA did not stop that problem, only by turning it completely off did it stop. I am guessing it's a driver issue with how FXAA works with the game and they need to be made aware of it. I think I will do that tomorrow. Hopefully this works for you Rob.