Somebody Hates Bioshock! (Not SecuROM related)


I suppose in a world of 6 billion, statistically there had to be one.
I agree with one point, though, see if you can guess what it is.

quitefrankly [url][/url] said:
Senior Member Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 118

Very disappointed in this game.


NOTE TO FORUM MEMBERS: I will not be coming back. So you can save all your predictable dumbass comments.

Hello IG, I am amazed. I can't believe what an enormous let down this game is.

My main gripe, is that you cashing in on the memory of System Shock, but you didn't even attempt to live up to its greatness. System Shock was revolutionary, and SS2 basically brought it up to date. All of that creativity was well and truly dead in this game, wasn't it? What went wrong?

I suspect you don't think anything went wrong do you? This was absolutely according to plan eh? Make a big dumb modern game, cashing in on your credibility from the System Shock games, you'll all make a fortune, and then either retire, or get to make more games in the future because nobody cares that it was a classic example of devolution. Investers just look at how many units you sold, and you sold well, like Britany Spears or Christina Aguilera. Congrats IG... You went from being the Led Zeppelin of gaming, to being the Hit Me Baby One More Time of gaming.

You have completely raped, and pillaged, the System Shock series, all for this dumb shooter game. Also, not only that, and not only was there a massive lack of creativity in this game... but it seemed to have such a strange lack of a logical vision... The game is full of weapons, violence, blood, children stabbing corpses in the head, ****s and shits... so its clearly not kid friendly... But then you go and add all that kiddie crap to the game.. Little 5 year old girls constantly saying, "Come on my biggly squiggly bigglesss!!! An aaaangel!!!!. Angels are waiting for us to kiss them!!!" etc... What the **** where you thinking? Then theres all the dumb dialogue, and half assed story. So its like you made a dumb kids game, for dumb kids, but you went and added tons of violence, gore, and bad language to it. So you are either complete clueless idiots, or you aimed the game at a very specific age group.. the low to mid teens. Because really, lower than that age, the parents would go ape if they saw their little 9 year old kid playing the game. And the majority of people in their 20s or above, would find the game to be so dumb, it wouldn't appeal to them.

You also went and made one of the top 5 games of all time, in terms of WORST value for money. Its right up there with Max Payne 2. Reguardless of how you play it, the game is over in no time. And then theres no multiplayer, and no replayability (again, unless you are simple minded and seriously bored). So this is a full price game which lasts a matter of days. What a pile of crap.

I think, to be fair, if this was just another anonymous First Person Shooter, I wouldn't have anything to say about it at all - besides perhaps that its an "ok" game. It wasn't as good as FEAR, Halflife 2, or STALKER, etc... But its maybe better than some mass produced FPS's. Its somewhere between mediocre, and above average. But this wasn't supposed to be, "Just another FPS".... this is a game with a legacy and heritage and a reputation, and like I said, you well and truly raped and pillaged this game's grandparents to make it. It makes me wonder if a different team was responsible for this? Perhaps just one upper management person remained from the old System Shock days? And perhaps this is an indication that either SS was a fluke... or they are just out to make the most possible money, and nothing else matters. If that is the case (which I am positive it is), then please... in the future.... just make a "The Sims" clone or some crap like that... You know it sells well, so do that. Don't make another pile of crap like Bioshock and con all the old school players into buying it.

So basically, its all a huge let down. I will think twice before ever buying an IG game again. You are "just another modern game producer" now... mass producing modern mindless crap. A big dumb, modern FPS, for the retarded modern console gaming crowd. This is to System Shock, what Deus Ex 2 was to Deus Ex.... It REALLY does amaze me, that the only improvement in this game, over System Shock 1, was the graphics. That game is 13 years old now.... and it was 10 times better than this. One of the things that made it so great, was the atmosphere... and that was lost in this game. This wasn't scary at all, it was just drab. All the enemies looked identical, and all the locations looked pretty much the same too. And there was no feeling of isolation like the SS games either. I never sneaked around with my back to the wall, crapping myself.... In this game I could just run around like a headless chicken, shooting anything that moved. There where no consequences at all... So what if I run into a camera? I just stand there and give it the middle finger and die... 4 seconds later, I'm back there and all the bots are gone. So what if I run into a splicer.. right click left click and its dead. And if it kills me, who cares? Real mindless crap. But not only is it dumbed down, its also simplified in other ways too. The inventory is gone now... No more stashing gear and having to go back for it when you need it.... It no longer feels like you are REALLY locked on a space station and you have to use any dirty tricks you can think of to survive... No.. Now, its just a dumb action game. No more damage to your gear, so you save your vibrosword for a desperate situation etc.. And there is so much money and ammo, you had to put artificial limits on it... And the one thing that really amazed me the most, when I first played System Shock back in 1994.... is gone now. The grenades.... I had emps, and frags, and all kinds of interesting stuff, and the character threw them wherever I clicked. There weren't even any grenades at ALL in this game! (besides the molotov type things thrown at the player). Hacking was mindless dumb crap too, like a flash game. The layout of the levels was all crap too. No security doors blocking you, until collect keys etc... Basically, there was absolutely no reason to switch my brain on at all. And the story was mediocre crap too.

To me, this game was like a poor mans "action RPG". And by "ACTION rpg", I mean just that... You know... when you make a game for modern retarded young people today, you call it action-something... So its not a REAL rpg like Baldurs Gate or something.. Its like an action-rpg... Like Dungeon Siege or some crap. The game's mediocre combat, was just like the combat in Oblivion. And that was the thing that disappointed me the most about Oblivion........

So you run around with your half dozen guns like some friggen DOOM clone.... No great innovation there like Duke Nukem or "No One Lives Forever" etc.. just a damn shotgun and machine gun and rocket launcher etc... How uninspired can you get? And then the twist was meant to be the right click effects. But they are just a direct copy from 75 billion RPG games out there. The fire is just a fireball..... (or firebolt in Oblivion), and then there are the bog standard, ice and lightning equivalents or the fire bolt. Infact, you didn't even have disease or arcane equivalents like in a real RPG. And then you make a big deal (one of your selling points) about "USE MIND CONTROL ON YOUR ENEMIES OMGZZ!!!!!".... You realise there has been a charm/dominate spell in RPG's for probably 25 years now? I was running around with charmed mobs in EverQuest before this game was even an idea. And that game was online with thousands of players....

The thing this reminded me of the most, was M+M Dark Messiah.... Running around shooting magic out your hands. The difference is... Dark Messiah was fun! And this was dumb. From what I can remember of Dark Messiah, it was 10 times better than Bioshock. I ran around firing enormous fireballs, which would explode on the ground, and blast a bunch of my enemies into the walls etc.. Some would fall off a nearby cliff to their death, and some would land in a fire. It wasn't just much better combat either... it great level design too, and it was just so much more compelling and fun, with some great scripted events etc.

So Bioshock lacked the fun factor of Dark Messiah. And, it lacks the massive world and million quests of Oblivion. Your game is basically just about half a dozen rooms, strung together with that air lock. It didn't feel like an underwater world at all by the way... It felt like a typical bunch of generic FPS "levels", strung together by that hub. I had no sense of where everywhere was in relation to other areas etc... No sense of going up and down levels like in SS. The world didn't fit together in my mind at all. And guess what? Not only was the "world" so small and simplified, but you added that dumb global positioning system map, which I didn't even need to use. There where so many signs on the floor and walls, I could just look at them if I ever needed to - which I didn't. The whole thing was so linear, there was no chance of getting lost anyway.

I was reading some other forum where people where talking about the game, and some guy said, "It sucks, I much prefer STALKER or Two Worlds". I remember thinking, "My god, that doesn't say much for Bioshock... Both of those games bored me". But I bought Bioshock anyway, to give it a chance. Now I know.... I had more fun in 5 minutes of STALKER than I did in this game.

P.S. That final battle with the "final boss"... made me feel like I had gone back to the 80s... and was playing some shitty first person remake of Double Dragon or something.. Game development at its most uninspired.

Hint: I like permadeath.


Hahah, I think it's odd what a person would go to such lengths to say that they hate a game so much. Although I may think they have a stupid decision, I must respect it, it's their opinion after all, not ours.


Partition Master
LoL, funny how he starts by saying he isn't coming back, but by the 2nd reply to his post he's already back with more stupidity.